Terra Casa Private Villa is the sole owner of the information collected on its websites within the terracasa.gr domain.
Terra Casa Private Villa collects information from its users at several different points on its website. Other than for specific purposes as agreed with the user, the information that is collected through these website is used for marketing and analysis purposes only.
Information gathered through these website will be held in a database and will be used periodically to assess the success of the website and to monitor its activity.
When a user requests a page from the website's server, the server automatically collects some information about the user's system, including the IP address.
Terra Casa Private Villa collects the minimum information necessary to ensure its services work successfully and reliably, and to monitor activity on its websites so that it can continually assess and improve them.
Terra Casa Private Villa uses stats to analyse traffic to its websites. Our stats do not create individual profiles of users and only collect aggregate data.
Terra Casa Private Villa asks for information from users of its websites. Information gathered through its website will be held in a database and will be used periodically to assist in the various marketing activities of terracasa.gr. Users' information may be shared with companies which are within the Terra Casa Private Villa , for example its authorised dealers and service centres, but Terra Casa Private Villadoes not currently disclose users' information to any other third parties.
Although Terra Casa Private Villa make every effort to preserve users' privacy, it may need to disclose personal information when required by law wherein it has a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process served on its websites.
Owing to Terra Casa Private Villa policy of continuous development, the right is reserved to change specifications, prices or any other details at any time.
Terra Casa Private Villa will occasionally update these 'Terms of Use'. Terra Casa Private Villa encourages users to review these terms periodically to be informed of how terracasa.gr  is protecting users' information.
This website contains links to other websites. Please be aware that Terra Casa Private Villa is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other websites. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by websites under the terracasa.gr domain.


Terra Casa Private Villa will remove users from its database of website users and will refrain from sending them information upon written request from the user. To unsubscribe, simply send an e-mail.
If users have any questions or suggestions regarding the Terra Casa Private Villa privacy policy, please e-mail us.
All aspects of this website, including design, text, graphics, images, applications, software, underlying source code, are the copyright of Terra Casa Private Villa and its affiliates or content and technology providers. In accessing these web pages, you agree that any downloading of content is for personal, non-commercial reference only. No part of this website may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of Terra Casa Private Villa. The permission to copy by an individual does not allow for incorporation of any material into any other work, publication, website or other medium, whether in hard copy, electronic, or other form.
Any other use of the website without prior written consent of Terra Casa Private Villa is strictly forbidden. For rights clearance please contact us.